Pre-Foreclosure in Kansas City – What Is It?

With so many homes going through foreclosure across the city, it’s more important than ever for buyers and to understand how the process works.

So, what’s pre-foreclosure in Kansas City, anyway?

Many homeowners, not just in Kansas City but across the United States as a whole,  are having a hard time keeping up with their monthly payment. pre-foreclosure in Kansas City

Once you miss 3 to 6 months in payments, your bank is going to issue you a “Notice of Default, which is what triggers the foreclosure process. At this point, your home has not been foreclosed on yet, but you are in what’s called “pre-foreclosure in Kansas City.”

By law, the bank must give you at least 3 months to catch up on your missed payments, some banks may give you a little bit longer, but they are required to give you a minimum of 3 months before they move you forward in the process. During this time you have a number of options to seek out to remedy the delinquency.

If you are still not able to bring the account current within that time, the bank will move you forward in the foreclosure process and set a date for them to auction off your home. Let’s take a deeper look into what your options are to find a remedy and bring you current.

Pre-foreclosure in Kansas City – Your Options:

When you receive the “Notice of Default” from your bank, you are likely behind about 90-180. It can vary, depending on your bank but in general, this is commonly what we see. At this point, it’s very important to not panic.

You have options when you are in pre-foreclosure in Kansas City to prevent you from losing your house:

  • When you have equity: refinancing the mortgage may be an option. This is where your bank will restructure your loan and get you into a lower monthly payment. Of course, you do have to qualify and that is entirely up to your lender. Typically, banks will do this when you still had a partial loss in income and you can demonstrate that you can keep up with a new, lower payment. If your current lender will not approve it, you also have the option of seeking out other lenders that might be willing to take over the loan.
  • When you are underwater (negative equity): you should contact your bank to see if they will approve a short sale. Short sales are when your bank agrees to let you sell your house for less than you owe, and the bank agrees to release you from paying the difference back to them. They decide to take a loss and the government gives them a tax write-off.  There are some short sales where the difference in what you sold your house for and what how much you owe can be counted as “phantom income” against you. So make sure that you understand a short sale by your bank completely, and are prepared to deal with the ramifications.
  • When you want to sell quickly: then your best bet is going to be selling your home to a professional home buyer. Like Busy Beaver Homes, we are a reputable cash home buyer in Kansas City, and we might be able to come up with a creative solution to help you out of foreclosure. There are instances where we can buy your Kansas City house and close in just 10 days. The great part is we pay in cash, and buy completely “as-is” so you don’t have to put any money into your house first. It also takes all the stress out of listing your house and looking for a buyer.
  • When you qualify for bankruptcy: this might be something to look at to see if you can get any debts forgiven. When it comes to your house, this is usually just a strategy to buy you some time. There are several different bankruptcies out there so it’s important to speak with a lawyer so you understand which types would be best for your particular situation to get out of pre-foreclosure in Kansas City. It is also important to understand the legal ramification of bankruptcy because it will mark on your credit for 7-10 years and cause serious damage.

If you are honest and keep constant, cooperative communication with your bank, you’ll be setting yourself uppre-foreclosure in Kansas City for a better time. Banks will be much more willing to help you remedy the situation when they see that you are not blowing off their calls and not answering. They have options that may allow you to stay in your house, or just salvage your credit score at least.

With a foreclosure mark, it can cause your credit score to go down by 200-400 points overnight. That will prevent you from getting another loan of any sort for a good 5 to 7 years. That’s why it’s very important to be dutiful if you get a Notice of Default from your bank – take swift action.

If it comes to it where you are not able to find a solution by working with your bank, reach out and connect with us. We might have a way to assist with pre-foreclosure in Kansas City.

How We Can Assist If You’re In Pre-Foreclosure in Kansas City

  • We can help with a short sale – Short Sales are a tricky process. It all gets down to negotiating with the bank. You have to know what to say and be able to give explanations. We can help with that.
  • We buy houses in Kansas City – We can make you a fair, all-cash offer for your house. You can fill out our form to get started >>
  • We can give you some FREE guidance – We understand that this is a challenging time. As experts in the real estate industry, we feel it’s our duty to help point you toward good, valuable information to help you navigate through pre-foreclosure in Kansas City. Even if we don’t buy your house, we’d love to have a conversation with you to try and steer you in a good direction for your particular circumstances.

If you’re in pre-foreclosure in Kansas City… you still have time to fix it!

Remember to keep communication with your bank and see if they will work with you to help bring you current when you are in pre-foreclosure in Kansas City.  And of course, you can always connect with us to see how we can help

Want To Discuss Your Pre-Foreclosure Options? Call Us at 816-226-6797
Or Submit Your Info Here To Request A Cash Offer >>

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