Relocating And Need To Sell My House in Kansas City

Moving in Kansas City

Moving from one city to another is a big chore and it comes with a lot of moving parts. It is very common for Kansas City home sellers to call us or submitting their information to our website every week with the same dilemma, “I’m relocating and need to sell my house in Kansas City“.  The awesome part is that we’re able to help almost every one of them by buying their houses quickly (because we’re actively buying houses in Kansas City right now!).

There are a ton of details that you will need to keep track of, plus the situation that is causing the stress of what’s triggering the move to begin with – often it’s for a new job or a maybe a family member is sick. Whatever the reason is, the move always causes a drastic change in your life.

So how can we make the most from a difficult situation?

Organization is Key.

You would hate to find yourself in a situation where it would end up costing you money to maintain a home that you are not living in for even a few months, especially if it is not making you money. It can be very expensive and burdensome, but it’s important to know that there are other ways.

Even though the real estate market is relatively hot at the moment in Kansas City (and across the country as a whole), it is easy for things to take a dramatic turn in the blink of an eye. Boy have we heard horror stories over the years! So unless you’re dirty rich, you probably cannot afford to sit and wait for things to get better again before you can take action.

So, how should you make a decision when you’re relocating and need to sell your Kansas City house fast?

I’m Relocating And I Need To Sell My House Fast In Kansas City… What Are My Options And What Are The Steps?

Here they are:

  1. First things first, you should find out the value of what your property is worth: There are a few different ways you can do this, either by speaking to a knowledgable real estate agent or link up with us and we can come out to take a look at your property. We’ll give you a “no strings attached” offer for your property. If you decide not to accept the offer, there are no obligations and you can always come back to us later down the line. This way you can know what your property should be able to sell for on the open market.
  2. Decide how quickly you’ll need to sell your property after you’ve relocated: This is huge. I’ve seen people who have moved out of the state for work and then their house sits on the market for more than a year before it sells – and at a much, much lower price than they were hoping. So, decide how quickly you’ll need to sell your house… and for how long you’re willing to continue to make duplicate mortgage payments, insurance payments, etc.
  3. Find a sharp realtor BEFORE you begin to pack up boxes: Getting everything rolling early is important so that you don’t begin to waste time. Each month you decide to wait or every month that it takes to sell the house will only cost you money and cut into the profits that you will make. If you decide not to sell your house with the use of an agent, you need to know that you do have other options. We are a professional local house buyer and we’d be more than happy to make you a fair offer for your house. You can start the process by filling out our form >>
  4. Calculate the difference between selling your house now vs. “waiting around” for a better price: Everyone wants to sell their house for top dollar, that’s a given. But one point that many homeowners forget to factor in is the holding costs to keep the house before it is sold.  The costs could be the mortgage (and if you are still in the first half of the life of your mortgage, the greater portion of the payment is still going to interest and has hardly been able to pay the principal down very much). And then there are also homeowners insurance (and quite possibly mortgage insurance), taxes, and then all the maintenance, etc. that needs to be accounted for. Do the math and more often than not, you’d be more ahead of the game by selling the house NOW at a discounted price to a home buyer like Busy Beaver Homes vs. waiting the additional 6 months to try and get full price.
  5. Take action!: Whatever it is you decide… it’s important to just make a decision and then follow through by taking action.  If you decide that you want to use a real estate agent, great! Find a trustworthy and sharp local agent within Kansas City.  If you’d rather not sit around and wait and then pay agent commissions on top of it… then selling to a property buyer like Busy Beaver Homes is a great option to sell your property.

If you have all the time in the world and a great property that is up to date that you know that other people would be fighting over, then you definitely should test out the market and see how it performs. There is always the tiny chance that someone might fall in love and be more than willing to overpay – because people sometimes do crazy things when they are in love.

In reality, most properties are average when you compare them to others in the neighborhood. They reflect the other houses that are close by, just like how people have a lot in common with the people that live nearby. So unless your property is truly exceptional (as if it were in a magazine), it’s unlikely that you will squeeze the most out of the market by pricing it high. On the contrary, pricing it high will often discourage traffic coming to view the house, as buyers may believe you have unrealistic expectations and cannot be reasoned with.

In some situations, we might partner with homeowners in hopes of securing lease options and come to an agreement where well-qualified buyers can rent the house for an agreed-upon time before they buy it. With other situations, we may just help to renegotiate the loan, help out by making monthly payments, or even work with the bank to get a short sale done.

The great part about real estate is that the options are endless. We love to help people solve their complicated property problems. Creative solutions always bridge the gap and get you to where you want to be.

To find out more about Busy Beaver Homes and how we can help you if you’re relocating and need to sell in Kansas City, visit Our Company Page. We hope to hear from you soon, give us a call at:


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