Why Your House In KC Won’t Sell

What is it that makes some homes sell right away and then others will sit on the market for months before they sell? And what about your house in Kansas City? In this blog post, we are going to try and help you to consider a reason why your house in KC won’t sell… and what you can do about it!

There is no doubt that selling a property takes work…which is why so many people tend to put it off. In order to have a successful sale, you need the price, the property, and the buyer to all work out together. In order to make this possible, you as the seller need to take a good, hard look at the property, as well as what your asking price will be.

Why Your House in KC Won’t Sell – 7 Reasons Why

You’re Asking Too Much

Too often, people are so quick to get there property on the market, without having first really considered the amount that they will actually take home. Merely “guessing” what its worth and then neglecting counting all the additional costs, will be setting yourself up for unrealistic explanations.

Why Your House In KC Won't Sell
Why Your House In KC Won’t Sell

That is why it’s important to meet with a real estate professional from the start, so they can help to paint a picture of what you can expect as far as costs go for things like commissions, taxes, and closing costs. An agent can also help to give you an idea of some comparables of what other houses are going for in your neighborhood. Pricing your house competitively is going to get the highest number of potential buyers to your house as quickly as possible, so it’s important not to come in too high, because you run the risk of looking irrational, and no one wants to work with an irrational seller.

It is also important to note that if you later decide to lower the price of your property, it is going to be visible to all the potential buyers who find your house on the MLS, as well as the other real estate marketing sites. If you are lowering the price of your home too often, it is going to look like something is wrong with your property.

Clutter Is A No-No

Despite how much you like your “stuff”… at the end of the day, it is still YOUR stuff. Which makes it hard for someone else to imagine them living in your house and making it their own. So why not help them but and give them a blank canvas to look at and imagine themselves living there? Here are some quick tips you can use to implement that:

  • Store away all of your personal items.
  • Clear out any paperwork from your workstations and kitchen tables.
  • Take all of your pictures down.
  • Put away any personal items like your toothbrush, soap, and bathrobes.

While you are in organization mode, go ahead and give the whole house a thorough cleaning. To be honest, your usual habits towards cleaning might not be up the standards of the other people who are checking out your house, so its time to get a little more serious about being a neat freak – the value of your home depends on it!

You Can’t Compete

So you are thinking of listing in Kansas City…But do you understand what you are up against? It’s important that you are aware of the other properties that are available in your area – essentially, the competition that you are up against. Make sure that you know of all the other properties that are available in your area and what your neighbors are asking for them, as well as what other recent houses have sold for. It is also a good idea to look at your county’s appraiser website in addition to the other real estate sites. It is also vital that you understand there is a difference in what people are asking for, versus knowing what those same houses are actually being sold for.

Why Your House In KC Won't Sell
Why Your House In KC Won’t Sell

Additionally, it’s a good idea for you to understand the demographics of your potential buyers. Is it mainly families in your market? Then make your backyard more conducive to and set up for fun in the outdoors. Or maybe there are more young professionals… Then set up the extra room in your house as a bonus office or gym room.

Major Repairs Are Needed

This is where honesty becomes key. There might be a number of items that you may have been neglecting in the past, and by now, they are just normal to you. So it’s important to get an opinion for an outsider on what repairs really ought to be done. Ask your family or friends for their candid opinion – as well as your agent. You also might consider having an official home inspection done on your own, it will show buyers that you are serious and have nothing to hide. If there are major repairs that are needed, fixing those items is going to improve your chances of selling, as well as lower your potential bargaining power that your buyer will have over repairs needed.

Poor Photos

Nowadays, the internet is the number one way to sell a house. And the number one thing that people are looking for when they look on the internet is pictures. It is our opinion that nothing will faster destroy a listing than bad pictures. But on the flip side, that means that well done, professionally shot photographs have the ability to create all the buzz about your property and bring in a ton of sellers. Do not go with an agent that walks around your house with a camera phone and then calls it a day – you want someone who will bring in a professional photographer and really highlight the attributes of your home. Circling back to the other tips makes sure there isn’t ANY clutter within your pictures. Even if you do decide to put all your junk back after your pictures are taken… put the extra effort into creating great photographs – if you don’t, then that can easily be a reason for Why Your House In KC Won’t Sell.

Your Agent Isn’t Working Hard Enough

There are some agents that are truly amazing and will go to the ends of the earth to get you the best deal for your house… and then there are other agents that will try to slide by with the bare minimum and hope for your house to sell. Unfortunately, there are a lot of agents out there that got their license in hopes of just trying to make a fast dollar. Be sure you know which one it is that you are hiring because hiring the wrong agent can be a major reason for Why Your House In KC Won’t Sell. Busy Beaver Homes is a cash buying company that is genuinely interested in helping people to work through their property problems! If you have a problem, it might be out of the ordinary for a regular agent. After all, agents tend to specialize in houses that are in “new, top of the market” condition, but we specialize in helping people solve their property problems, and we are not afraid to get our hands dirty.

Issues With Title

Having a property with a lien or other issues that affect title can make it really difficult to sell your property to a traditional buyer. Situations like your grandmother giving you a property that wasn’t ever properly transferred to your name, are, unfortunately, all too common. If you are facing title issues of your own, don’t let that be a reason for Why Your House In KC Won’t Sell. We can work through any title issues, so just call us today!

Got a house in Kansas City that you need to sell? Send us a message using this form, or call us 816-226-6797!

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